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Started in 2020 under the name 'knag' (knitted bags) and developed into jumpers/ gloves and now bonnets. 

The photoshoot below was organised by myself. I got together a group of models who kindly did this for free, as well as the photographer Finn Bowman who I did a trade with for a vest. 

As a way of legitimising my brand in the world of New Zealand small businesses, I decided to contact Fondu swimwear and Sless eyewear to use their products in the shoot which both promotes them and gives them some more content. I also like the idea of community and the shoot enhances this idea with the close-knit (pardon the pun) friendship vibe I directed throughout the shoot.
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Jorja Knits X Montys knitting club

During the winter months of 2022, due to the social affects of covid and the coldness of the winter months, the people of Auckland became a lot more introverted and anti social. I decided to create a knitting club that would get people out of their houses and meeting some new people.

I approached Montys, a small business in Auckland that sells New Zealand made products such as clothing, jewellery and homeware. They were keen to get involved so we hosted a knitting club every wednesday evening at Montys while also collecting koha from the club to donate to Womens Refuge NZ, we raised $148.

As well as organising the event, I designed the posters and instagram post to promote the event.
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